India & it's Neighbors

                                                         India & its Neighbors

GEOGRAPHICAL OVERVIEW :- India is described as a subcontinent of asia where the Himalayas are being shoved ever higher on the northern reaches of the country as it's plate slides under the main plate of Asia. Mt.Everest the highest mountain in the world , stands more than 29,000 feet & is still growing .Other Himalayan peaks of more than 20,000 feet are found all along this imposing range that touches on not only india , but also it's northern neighbors : Afghanistan , Pakistan , Nepal , Bhutan & Tibet . The other countries surrounding India & Bangladesh to the east & Srilanka , the island nation to the south.

FOOD PATTERNS :-   The food pattern throughout the region of India & it's neighboring countries reflect the religion that dominate the lives of the populace. Vegetarianism is quite common , partly because of economic factors & partly because of religious dictates. Legumes & cereal are the major components of most meals . If meat is included , it's usually in small quantities . Buddhists & Hindus avoid beef & usually pork. Eggs are sometimes used. Milk in various forms, often clabbered & from different animal , may be consumed. Fruits & vegetables are eaten , although somewhat sparingly.

                    It can be argued that Indians have given more to the culinary world than they have taken from the cuisine of other culture . Among the spicy seasonings and flavors featured generously in Indian cookery are turmeric , ginger , cinnamon , mint , dill, coriander , cumin , pepper , cardamom , saffron , poppy seeds , cloves , chilies , fennel , mace , & nutmeg. The use of this wide range of flavoring ingredients requires judicious blending into recipes if the results are to meet the critical expectations of Indians.

                       The term Indian use to designate a blend of spices is MASALA.  many different blends are used , but a basic blend ( generally GARAM MASALA ) usually contains cardamom , cloves , cumin , cinnamon , nutmeg , saffron & other spices that are ground together thoroughly & store for use in many different dishes . Sometimes spices are ground & mixed with herbs , water & vinegar to make a wet masala that will be used immediately in preparing a particular dish. Whether a masala is composed of a skilful blend of dry spice or wet ingredients is not important to the success of a dish , the pleasure in the mouth provided by the masala in the final test.

                          LENTILS are a favored legume , and they appear in many different forms. They can be cooked & pureed with various spices or other ingredients to make sambar , which frequently is served with idlis ( rice cake ) to add a flavor to the meal. Other legumes , including various peas called gram ,  are familiar ingredients in dishes for the evening meal.
                         Ghee , which is clarified butter that has been cooked down a bit & poured from the milk solids , add a distinctive flavor when used in cooking and is the preferred fat to use if it can be afforded.
                         The general name for breads is Roti.  There are some interesting types of roti , such as chapati , paratha , naan & puri.
                         People in India and some of the surrounding countries enjoy concluding a meal be chewing on a betel nut or its leaf, or both. In India , paan ( a betel nut wrapped in a betel leaf ) may be seasoned with other ingredients and chewed at the close of a dinner . Betel nuts also often are chewed between meals. The suggestion is that betel aids digestion , and some people credit it with other therapeutic qualities that have yet to be proven.

Some famous dishes :-

  • Chapatis
  • Beef biryani
  • Daal
  • Garam masala 
  • Khir
  • Mango chutney 
  • Mulligatawny soup
  • Naan
  • Saag aloo
  • Samosa 
