Caviar is unfertilized fish eggs, or roe that come from wild sturgeon. Roe refers to any and all fish eggs, including those from trout, paddlefish, salmon and flying fish for an example, but only roe from a sturgeon is true caviar.


● Eggs - 4

● Salt and Pepper - to taste

● Caviar - 60gm

● Cucumber - 1

● Lime juice - 1/2Tsp

● Mayonnaise sauce - 2Tbsp


1. Hard boil eggs and plunge into cold water. When cold, shell.

2. Slice off a piece from narrow end.

3. Remove yolks carefully with a spoon.

4. Fill whites with caviar and sprinkle with lime juice.

5. Wash cucumber but do not peel. Cut into thin slices.

6. Arrange around stuffed eggs.

7. Rub yolks through a sieve; blend with mayonnaise. Add salt and pepper to taste. 

8. Cover each egg with the dressing.
